#StopVivekBIndra – Why is it Trending Now?


#StopVivekBindra: Sandeep Maheshwari ji has even said in his video that Vivek Bindra ji can leave the country, that is, he can prove to be a fugitive Nowadays, a phase of YouTube tyro has started. There is a tussle between the government and the government. Opposition parties are accusing the government of destroying democracy. Students are accusing the MPPSC 2019 of missing. It has been 5 years since Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission is not giving the result of MPPSC 2019. Patwari children sitting on strike over Vayyam scam, do not consume drugs so cheap that the future of the youth gets spoiled.

Sandeep Maheshwari And Vivek Bindra Controversy

I will clearly show you my stand towards that person, who he is, you will understand in the end what is the story, understand once again Sandeep Maheshwari ji in his youtuber used to be Vivek Bindra’s business model. Now apart from Vivek Bindra, many other people in the world might be doing this business model but only Vivek Bindra felt bad. It felt like a straw in a thief’s beard and this dispute increased again. The dispute between the two increased and then Vivek Bindra ji Sandeep Maheshwari ji of his youtube3g says that this is a multi-level marketing.

Vivek Bindra’s MLM

There is a project and in multi-level marketing a service is sold which has compliance. What happened in return? There will be more chances of getting scammed because in this an agent started selling service or goods to his own agent. the product which was That one agent was selling to another agent, hence the chances of it being a scam increased, so behind calling it a scam, they also showed many documents and they said that according to the legality of the government, it is a kind of scam. It is a scam. Sandeep Maheshwari ji has even said in his video that Vivek.

What Sandeep Maheshwari Said

Bindra ji can also leave the country, that is, he can prove to be a fugitive and the practice of leaving is already going on in this country, like wrestlers are leaving wrestling, MPs are leaving the One Pension One Scheme. The people sitting on the dharna are leaving the dharna. In MPPSC, 83000 children who used to appear in the exam earlier have stopped giving the exam. Now the children are leaving the exam. Now I have hope on two people that one, the scheme of Ladli Brahmin Yojana will be left out and I think that like these fugitives, Vivek Bindra should also leave the country. Now Vivek Bindra ji has told Sandeep.

Let us talk about the allegations made against Maheshwari one by one, like first Vivek Bindra had asked the first question to Sandeep Mahsuri in his video, why was it called a scam, now I will answer it, why was it called a scam? Understand that it is a scam because it is being said that you are not selling any product. Secondly, when you were selling your model, you had clearly said that if you do not get success, then you will take this money from me i.e. 10%. If you do not earn lakhs then I am responsible to return your money. In this sense it can be said that you are either doing a scam.

Provide benefit of 10 lakhs to the people otherwise return the money of those poor people, it is the poor’s money, not the bastard’s money, whatever business model you are doing, gig economy has started in this country, the product is not available anywhere. There is a factory somewhere, there is no bus, people are getting rich by selling services and the heart of the poor is getting broken, houses are getting broken. Second question, Sandeep Maheshwari ji is also doing scam. Now I answer this, Sandeep Maheshwari ji. How are you scamming, please understand this thing, for how much did you sell the course, Rs. 50000 Sandeep Maheshwari ji, what do you sell Images.

What is My Opinion

For how many rupees do we sell? Now understand the point of Sandeep Maheshwari ji, I mean Sandeep Maheshwari who is selling for Rs. 20000, he is selling it to big companies who have huge amounts of money. If the company is the same image If you go to get it made, it will cost around Rs 10 lakh and if Sandeep Maheshwari ji is giving a thing worth Rs 5 to 10 lakh for Rs 20000, then Sandeep Maheshwari ji is also benefiting from it and those factories and companies are also getting benefit i.e. Sandeep Maheshwari ji is robbing the rich, so in a way he is Robinhood and you are robbing the poor.

So according to me you are a robber, that is why you are doing scam because you have clearly said that there will be an income of ₹ lakh, you have made big promises like this, the business will run like this, it will be like this, it will be like that and so on. Those who were poor and had taken loans, lost their money, many people committed suicide because of your false model, and this is what you did to yourself, and the poor people are falling into such a trap while searching for employment. In my view, you have Sandeep Maheshwari ji has cheated me from somewhere.

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Sandeep Maheshwari and Vivek Bindra Controversy Explained

Sandeep Maheshwari and Vivek Bindra Controversy

In December, there is a war going on. Animal breaking records at box office. Democracy being torn apart in the parliament…. And on social media, Sandeep Maheshwari and Vivek Bindra are tearing each other’s clothes. Now, what is happening in the theater and the parliament, whether it will directly affect your life or not, but the fight between Sandeep and Vivek, as a result of which, it can have an impact on the lives of millions of youth.But in this fight between Sandeep Maheshwari and Vivek Bindra, someone’s devotion is only for money, someone is doing something wrong, fooling the youth of the country. And I am not saying this after listening to a YouTuber. In fact, our entire opinion, our entire episode is based on research of an individual who knows a lot about educational scamsters.

Let’s see who is doing the scam and how. First, let’s understand the context. Who are these two main characters? How did this fight start? Let’s understand this in 2 minutes. Sandeep Maheshwari is a famous YouTuber and India’s top motivational speaker. Students are big fans of him. Vivek Bindra is the biggest business YouTuber in the world. He has shown the right way to big companies.He knows all the secrets of business. If kids give 40-50 thousand rupees, Vivek Bindra would show them a mantra that they would earn them in lakhs. A few days back, everything was going well. Sandeep sir was motivating, Bindra sir was making lakhpati by selling his big course. In fact, Vivek came to inspire people on Sandeep Maheshwari’s inspirational show. So, it’s not like they were enemies.

But recently, some students told Sandeep sir how a big YouTuber made a scheme of selling a course worth Rs. 50,000. They had to forward sell the course to others to make that money. In simple language, it is called multi-level marketing or pyramid scheme. Government does not allow it. And thousands of kids are doing this work. Sandeep sir was surprised to hear this. Because then it could be a scam of hundreds of crores.

Now, the funny thing is that till now, this whole program is going on, but no one’s name was being taken. But wise people could guess. That who was this big YouTuber and Sandeep sir’s reach is big so people figured out the YouTuber, tagging Vivek Bindra. Sandeep Maheshwari said he did not take any name. Bindra tried to contact him.

Sent some people to solve the matter There was also a threat as per Sandeep Maheshwari. Maybe because of the threat Sandeep Maheshwari was provoked to expose Vivek Bindra and demanded… Return the money you have collected from the children. You have taken Rs. 500 crores. Return it. Vivek Bindra also launches a video. He claims that his accounts are audited by Ernst & Young. Not any company – Ernst & Young. It’s a global standard.And Sandeep Maheshwari is doing all this because his views were decreasing on the channel. He wanted views. That is what Bindra says. The core allegations were not answered but again offered to sit together and talk about it. This is exactly the same behavior when a policeman catches you and you want to settle on the side.

Final attack comes from Sandeep Maheshwari. Now, the choke hold is done. The hashtag of Stop Vivek Bindra hashtag is being launched. Sandeep Maheshwari tells his followers to report Vivek. Bring him to the Ministry and authorities. Stop him. He is going to leave the country. The person who was a guest in your show till yesterday, today you are demanding legal action against him.

So is Vivek Bindra doing wrong? To know the truth, I spoke to Maheshwer Peri. He is a well-known person in the educational field. You may ask, who is this Peri? You had heard about Sandeep Maheshwari. But Peri? He is not a YouTuber, he is not viral. But he is the founder and chairman of Careers360. Peri is the guy who tackled IIPM and Arindam Chaudhuri many years ago His public litigation cases are legendary. Delhi High Court ruled that IIPM cannot be called a management institution.

In 2015, IIPM had to shut down all its campuses, because of this one man. Peri has raised many questions on Vivek Bindra. You have published many views on motivation, nationalism, easy money. But how did you teach business to these young people? What are the details of that business? Firstly how can you launch 10 day MBA? Is it a joke? Tomorrow someone will launch 10 minute MBA? Who is Bindra to award MBA? He is a doctorate in philosophy from Open International University for Complementary Medicine.

This university is in Sri Lanka. The website does not open. But he has a doctor tag, people are impressed. Third, Bindra launched a program called International Business Consultant or IBC. The claim is that you can earn 1 lakh to 20 lakh rupees per month after doing this course. What is the need of IIM-B? Bindra School of Business is here.But as it was revealed in the show of Sandeep Maheshwari that after paying a fee of 50,000, you don’t run a big business, you become a small salesman who sells Bindra’s course to the people and earns commission. This formula is a good for Bindra. Earn money from fees, earn commission from the course.

Peri says that you can’t get a worse affiliate or multi-level marketing scam. He said it is clearly a scam. Maheshwer Peri has also opened accounts of Vivek Bindra. We are disturbed after seeing this. Whether students got anything or not, Bindra was making money Course fee, non-refundable franchisee fee, all together, only in the financial year 2022 and 2023, Bindra earned 300 crores.Non refundable franchisee fee is 227 crore, Peri claimed. Sandeep Maheshwari has already challenged Vivek Bindra. But Bindra is more in danger from Maheshwer Peri Peris tweeted that if Bindra wants to lodge a case against him, he should. He will not back down. Take it to court. Just like he did with IIPM’s Arindam Chaudhuri. The case was brought to the court and then IIPM was shut down.

Peri was not scared of famous and rich educationalists. He is not scared today. Peri said something very interesting while talking to Deshbhakt. Arindam Chaudhuri and Vivek Bindra have a common factor … that who are they targeting? Not big businesses. No, no, no. Gullible, ill-informed students who are struggling career-wise, looking for validation, they need inspiration.

They are looking for shortcuts to success and that’s when they find such people. And they also get into their talk that 10 days MBA, start earning 1-20 lakhs a month suddenly If earning 1-20 lakhs was so easy, why would 600 people working for Bindra would also try and become lakhpati right? How do people like Vivek Bindra become such motivational speakers? Are we so lacking in motivation? Or are we so good at being fooled? This man couldn’t motivate his wife. After marriage, he is fighting at the gate of society. Domestic violence case is filed and she is in hospital.

And these are the new social media icons of India. They talk about women’s rights in their videos. And what is going on at home? And which doctor, how? Who doesn’t even know the history? In today’s date, giving an open interview to Lallantop, and he said…. Shudra is just one who executes, one who follows orders. If you put them in a leadership position, everything will go wrong.

Thousand years old, cheap thinking. But no… Show big cars, take pictures with them. Billionaire, international, entrepreneur, profit, MBA, make tall promises and people will follow It’s not like Bindra’s deeds are new… some time back he said that Government has issued a stamp on his name.

Wow, well played. Then we get to know that give some money to the postal department and they will print a stamp on your name and give it to you Government didn’t print anything. This is the world’s biggest YouTuber’s trick. But this time it’s not about stamps. This time it’s about hundreds of crores. It’s about making fool of children.

So the question is, can Vivek Bindra be sued? Can there be a legal investigation? Maheshwer Peri says, yes For this, the victims have to approach the Consumer Court or the nearest police station and file an FIR. Also, students have to request education ministry, PMO, RBI, even the Prime Minister and tell they have been wronged.

such claims are already visible on Twitter that people are regretting that they had given money. But they will have to formally approach the authorities, not on Twitter. Second, they will have to contact those people who had told themselves that they were faculty of Vivek Bindra’s faculty.

Were they really faculty? Were they involved? Peri believes that the government should immediately take control of Bindra’s funds. About 82 crores in investment, 7 crores in cash This could start a refund. Peri says that if 100 students dare to come forward, then he will arrange for a lawyer and will prepare all the facts and investigation. But there are more puzzles in this story.

Vivek Bindra’s fans say, Sandeep Maheshwari takes money, lakhs of rupees, for business consulting, for sessions He must be taking. I don’t know. He is not my friend. He is a high level YouTuber. We are normal If Vivek Bindra had taken money from big businesses, for consulting, then I would not have made this episode. You make them fool or give them the right direction, I don’t care. The problem is that you took money from children, neither gave return nor gave clarity. This is not acceptable.

And people like Vivek are trying to follow this path, so they will have to stop. Whether there is notice or court case. When you are mentally ready to go to jail, to speak the truth, then let the court cases come. No problem. But remember one thing. This is not a fight between Sandeep Maheshwari, Maheshwer Peri or Akash Banerjee. We all have other work and other opportunities.But this is your fight. This is the fight of young India. Raise your standard.

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